Why we MUCKUP!
The MUCK Up initiative aims to promote kindness and community spirit by organising 'Community Kindness' events, targeting young people and those who interact with them in the Milton Ulladulla area.
Through a whole-of-community approach involving youth committees and local leaders, we work to combat bullying, foster positive mental health, and celebrate the best aspects of our community.
Our mission is to deliver kindness, inspire youth leadership, and create positive interactions for a stronger, more compassionate local culture
MUCK Up Events
Cooking with Kindness
Youth teams and local chefs cook delicious meals, showing skill and teamwork.
Chorus 4 Kindness III
We are back for the third instalment of Chorus 4 Kindness. Tix available now at Chorus for Kindness III - Sticky Tickets
Youth Committee
Our Youth Committee made up of high school aged students planned and delivered a major event in August 2024. Click here to find out what their latest event is
Past Events
Want to check out past events? See photos here from our most recent events or check out our YouTube page
Help us keep Milton Ulladulla as a great place to grow up!
Our Supporters
Frequently Asked Questions
In May 2023, Community Connect Southern Shoalhaven & the Apex Club of Milton Ulladulla acting in support of our local teenage ‘A to Z Group’ embarked on the MUCK Up initiative – inspired by the nation-wide “Do It For Dolly” campaign targeting bullying through the promotion of positive social interactions.
For further background - “Do It For Dolly” day is held in May each year (12th May for 2023) and is inspired by the story of Amy Jayne "Dolly" Everet who was lost to suicide as a result of bullying in 2018. Since then, her family have established the “Do It For Dolly” campaign aimed toward bringing communities together, spreading kindness and uniting everyone in helping to break the silence around bullying.
As for the MUCK Up theme itself - MUCK stand for Milton Ulladulla Community Kindness and the MUCK Up moniker refers to the need to create a positive ripple effect through the promotion of positive social interactions/experiences of everyone (particularly teenagers) within our community.
The main strand of our efforts thus far have been the commitment to promote inclusion and kindness across our community through the running of various “community kindness” events across the remainder of 2024 and beyond. These are in a constant state of planning and include events around sports, food, arts and culture where locals can be shown first hand just how wonderful it can be to interact with fellow locals in a positive way.
There are many ways you can help including following us via this website (or social media at links above); donating to Dolly's Dream via the links provided here or contacting us about being part of our junior (ages 12-18) of senior (ages 18+) committees to help plan and stage our next events and initiatives.
See our current list of events (and registration/ticketing links) below
Singer / Songwriter Workshop - 21-22 September: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc-uLYZSs_4CbPl0y-UIor8Kx3483SrCt7eP8rJBmCfR93-mg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Singer / Songwriter Showcase - 22 September: https://www.stickytickets.com.au/6xgcd/muck_up_singer__songwriter_showcase.aspx